Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hey i am surviving..
Hey everyone.. updates on myself and HSA.

Well.. i am finally surviving at work.. and i feel more comfortable now. My boss thinks i have improved a lot.. and i think so too. Since i am a fresh grad, i wouldn't have much experience. So, my boss tasked me to the Staffing and Recruitment portfolio.. so all contract employments in HSA are done by me.

Hee.. which also means that I'm the one to look out for when people wanna find jobs in HSA.. haha! Hey hey.. you've got a nice contact here..

Thanks Mrs Tit for your motherly concern. Yes i am fine and well. Nothing major.. I am really ok.

Jac.. i hope you are well with your baby.. 9 months may seem long.. just hang on..!

School is gonna start soon.. and i don't miss it.. Hey! what's Ngee Ann Poly man? HAHA!

Cheers to a good start for the new sem..!


aquaeccentric blogged at 11:43 PM