Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Working life is mad. You get scolded. So much to do and so little time.. Bloody overtime always.

But well.. nevertheless, it has been a good working experience. HR can be quite interesting. Yes.. all of you may complain that there is a lot shit HR theory to study..

Internal equity, external competitiveness, merit pay, avc.. and all the blah blah blah theory.. i never thought what i have studied would be so applicable to work. Suddenly, what i learn in school comes to life.

Well.. the most interesting part of HR for me is meeting applicants of all walks of life.. fat, old, skinny, handsome, pretty, ang mo and what not.. all shapes, sizes and types. It really amuses me to see how people are so damn polite and 'obedient' at your presence during job interviews. Haha..

I feel weird interviewing older workers.. cos i am so young.. and they are as old as my mother.. they are just ordinary folks like you and i.. i feel sad when they take time to come for interviews and are rejected as unqualified applicants.

But well, for this one week, i have seen and learnt a lot... and well.. more to come. Thankfully, i have a supportive boss and buddy to guide me. Everyday is a learning experience.


aquaeccentric blogged at 10:17 PM