Sunday, August 27, 2006

Surviving the First day of Work.
Welcome to the Real World.

My First day of work is good.. But there is lots to learn.. Everything there is just different from school. Each org has its own policies and processes.. it's an environment different from School. Thankfully, my colleagues are a supportive bunch and they dun pressure me to learn fast.

School is all about theory, projects, presentation and exams. But working life is all so very different. There is a lot of tacit knowledge at work. And i feel like starting all over again from point zero.

Eating the Humble Pie
The above says it all- eating the humble pie. Isn't that the way to survive in a organisation when you are new? Let me explore some of the do and don'ts when starting out in a job. Lecturers please join and add in your experience!

1. Eat the humble pie- You are the lowest of all in the orgaisation. So be humble, NEVER think you know it all.
2. LEARN! Take positve attitude in learning and record anything you learn. Process and apply what you learn.
3. Listen more. Talk Less. Nod, Smile and NEVER COMMENT any thing bad about the organisation.
4. Be friendly but not too friendly. It takes time to build relationships.. take it slowly.
5. ASK. Never be afraid to ask anything you find peculiar or things you don't know. Colleagues are more than willing to help.. if you ASK! After all, you are in the organisation to learn.

Lecturers.. and friends add in your suggestions!

aquaeccentric blogged at 1:35 PM