Jia Sheng of TB41 - playing pool.....
About him:
- he was also from boys school for 10 years
- he is the only child of the family
- he can eat a lot and must have supper every night
- other than playing pool, he likes to drink only cos he got no time to do other things :)
- he started playing pool at the age of 13
- and he became a national player soon after that
Something Impressive ????
So are you wondering how he can become a national player at such a young age??
- after playing pool for 3 months only, he took part in a competition
- although he only played for a few months, he even won the national player who took part
- so, he was spotted as a potential talent
- from then on, he became a national player
- after training for a year or so, he offically took part in competitions overseas
- from then till now, he had already played pool for 5 years ( isn't that very long???)
- for this 5 years, he had a lot of achievements and had traveled quite a lot
- of cos he himself did not expect to become a national player, but he did have a lot of fun
Jia Sheng in his uniform